January 2019

It has been a long time since I added to this web site.
I have built up a backlog of compositions that I will add
over the coming months.

Copyright Changes
In the past two years, OneLicense has taken over from Word
of Life International.  The latter collected royalties on
my behalf.  I have now decided to forego any royalty
payments and my music can now be downloaded and used for
worship free of charge.  The Copyright Information at the
bottom of each web page and on the cover of each piece of
music has been amended to reflect this.  There is no longer
a need seek my permission or to report usage of my songs.

The Easter Proclamation (The Exsultet)
I have composed a setting of the Shorter Form of The
Easter Proclamation (the Exsultet) and obtained permission
from ICEL to publish it on the web site.  It can be
downloaded by following the link below.

New Songs
The following songs have now been added:
The Easter Proclamation (Shorter Form)
Chosen and Called
Go in Peace
There is One Lord